Why are some subjects, like xylitol, so polarized? Some experts praise them while others throw them under the bus? In the same vein as our article on the safety of brushing with baking soda, today let’s explore whether it’s a safe and wise choice to use xylitol in the mouth on a regular basis.
Is Baking Soda Safe to Brush With?
“Is baking soda safe to brush with?“ “Will I damage my teeth if I brush with baking soda?“ These are just a couple of the many ‘baking soda safety’ questions that we commonly receive from readers like you. There are experts who claim that regularly brushing with baking soda can cause wear on tooth enamel…Read More
Is Your Cell Phone Causing Your Teeth to Decay? (and how to stop it)
Have you ever been using your cell phone and felt/heard a weird sort of buzzing/whining sound? I have and it freaked me out. I felt a high pitched stinging feeling into my ear. Having this first-hand experience has caused me to really take a closer look at what impact cell phones could have on our…Read More
How to Stop Two Common Habits that Cause Crooked Teeth
We all want to have a bright, healthy smile, right? It’s the unspoken sign of health, happiness and friendship across the planet. Whether our motive is for the visual impact of a beautiful smile (guys, read handsome) or the logistic fact that crooked teeth are tougher to keep clean, having straight teeth is a universal…Read More
How to Get Rid of Canker Sores Naturally
Have you ever had a spot inside your mouth, perhaps on the inside of your cheek or tongue, that was painful and white? Most likely, this was a canker sore. For some people, it can be difficult to get rid of canker sores quickly and naturally. Here are some easy-to-apply solutions that anyone can use…Read More
What to do if you really, really don’t like to floss
We’ve been talking a lot recently about the importance of flossing, not only for our oral health but for whole body health as well. We also recently discussed a detailed analysis of what are the best flosses on the market as well as why we are not fans of flosser picks. However, there are some…Read More
Is Thermal Imaging the Solution to Screen for Problem Root Canals?
Can thermal imaging technology serve as a screening tool to assist a person who questions if they have an infected root canal, cavitation, or other chronic dental infection? Some of our most popular articles on our blog all focus on root canals and what you can do about them. In our root canal series, we…Read More
How to Stop Bleeding Gums in 3 Easy Steps
Each of us arrives on the path to greater oral health at our own unique place. For some of us, it’s a fateful trip to the dentist where we learn something is wrong. For others, it may be something as simple as finding blood on your floss. Bleeding gums is super, super common. However, as…Read More
Does Flossing Really Lower My Risk of a Heart Attack?
It’s easy to grasp the importance of regular oral hygiene habits for avoiding mouth-based issues, like tooth decay and bleeding gums. But when we stretch the discussion to whether regular flossing can lower our risk of whole-body issues, like a heart attack, the link between the two topics can get a bit fuzzy. After all,…Read More
Can Diet Alone Improve Existing Gum Disease?
Our friend, Dr. Al Danenberg, has 40 years of experience as periodontist (a dentist specializing in the treatment of gum disease). Over the course of 40 years, you can imagine that he has ‘been there, done that’ with all kinds of gum disease treatments. However, a twist of fate provoked him to question everything he…Read More