Today, let’s go beyond our normal point of focus on subjects like foods to help remineralize your teeth, how to balance your oral flora and traditional strategies to optimize your oral health like oil pulling. A second title for this article could be “How to follow your heart to your optimal healing diet”. As…Read More
How Nutrition Plays a Foundational Role in Stopping and Reversing Gum Disease
Have you ever had a dentist tell you about the importance of nutrition? Not just the rhetoric of, ‘Don’t eat sugar,’ but have they really wanted to educate you about the critical role of nutrient-dense foods for creating optimal oral health (and whole-body wellness)? We’d never had this experience until years ago when we…Read More
Can Diet Alone Improve Existing Gum Disease?
Our friend, Dr. Al Danenberg, has 40 years of experience as periodontist (a dentist specializing in the treatment of gum disease). Over the course of 40 years, you can imagine that he has ‘been there, done that’ with all kinds of gum disease treatments. However, a twist of fate provoked him to question everything he…Read More