For many of you, this will not come as a surprise, but it’s been proven time and time again that what we eat has a direct relationship to what types of bacteria are going to thrive in and on our bodies. The bacterial colonies that naturally thrive in and on our bodies change based…Read More
Helpful Resources to Find a Qualified Dentist to Assist You
We have always been firm believers in dental professionals who have been trained in toxin-free, whole-body dentistry. If you’ve had the pleasure of working with a quality dental professional, you know how precious an asset they can be! The right dentist can be a wonderful, trusted ally to assist us along our path to greater…Read More
Summit Gems of Wisdom Checklist
Thank you for participating in the HealThy Mouth World Summit! It has been a fascinating and fulfilling journey for us to gather this information from around the world to assist each of you in having the knowledge and information to create positive change in your own oral health. Below you’ll find a checklist of…Read More