Have you ever been using your cell phone and felt/heard a weird sort of buzzing/whining sound? I have and it freaked me out. I felt a high pitched stinging feeling into my ear.
Having this first-hand experience has caused me to really take a closer look at what impact cell phones could have on our oral and brain health.
I know, none of us wants to hear more about how cell phones could be causing trouble to our health. But, thankfully, you are one of us who really desires to look at the truth rather than stick your head in the sand and pretend the problem doesn’t exist.
The good news is toward the end of this article, we will place a new video tutorial from us that will show you a technique to help support clearing the head of any scrambling from cell phones.
The risk of cell phones
Setting aside the obvious risk of using a cell phone while driving (as a side note, did you realize that cell phone use is now the #1 cause of traffic accidents?), the issue we want to bring to light is the fact that all cell phones emit an electromagnetic frequency. It’s a sort of low-level radiation.
Most of the PR you’ll hear on cell phones talk about the risks to brain health. Without diminishing this risk, we want to bring to the discussion the fact that a major component to the primary system our bodies use to protect our teeth from decay is under even heavier attack from cell phone radiation. I think of cell phone radiation like a low-level radar device that’s definitely strong enough to scramble intercellular communication depending on how close to the phone the tissues are. More on cell phones soon…
The body’s main pathway to protect from decay
We have a system in the body which naturally cleans thug bugs out of the tiny tubes in each of our teeth. This system is actually the primary means our bodies have to maintain a cavity free mouth. It’s called ‘Dentinal Fluid Transport’ and it was first researched by Dr. Ralph Steinman.
We’ve written extensively about dentinal fluid flow previously, in our article titled Why teeth decay (and how to stop it) as well as in our free video tutorial course titled ’the 5 steps to a healthy mouth’. So, if you’d like to dive more deeply into the mechanism and specifically the role of diet in this system, check out those free resources.
How Dentinal Fluid Transport Works
Dr. Steinman discovered that this system the body has to flush thug bugs from within the teeth is controlled by the hypothalamus, a part of our brain that sits right between our ears. Further, Steinman uncovered that the hypothalamus stimulates the parotid glands to secrete their impact to cause the dentinal fluid system to flow the health giving way.
However, the bad news is this system can go haywire (and in fact, reverse), which causes the flow of dentinal fluid to suck like a straw from the mouth into the inner portions of our teeth (talk about a free ride for thug bugs INTO our teeth! ).
It turns out that the parotid gland, as well as the main duct from the parotid gland, that delivers its secretions to support healthy dentinal fluid transport is located right under the place we hold up our cell phones to talk.
So, while there may be risks to brain health (including the hypothalamus) from cell phones, given that distance plays a big role in how much risk exists for a certain body tissue, we think the parotid gland is definitely taking a beating and is not getting its fair attention on the issue. 🙂
Solutions to support healthy parotid glands
Like we mentioned above, distance is crucial. The further away we can get from the cell phone the better. Here are a few ideas to help.
1. Use the speakerphone
Yeah, it may be inconvenient at times, but I’d much rather take the extra step and have the phone several inches from my head than literally laying right on top of the system that allows me to live a cavity free life.
2. Look into electromagnetic frequency redirectors
We have a Pong on our cell phone. (Here’s an example.) Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn’t. I don’t really know. So, I tend to have it there (the placebo effect of having it there gives me a bit more comfort at least) and still use the speakerphone function.
3. Use a headset
Call us old school, but we are not fans of bluetooth technology that allows a person to keep those very convenient devices in their ears. Bluetooth technology emits radiation too and I don’t need more radiation into my brain by inserting a transmitter into my ear. If it works for you, great. I’ll stick with my wired headset or the speakerphone.
The ancient solution to a modern problem…
Like many of you know, our background is in the Chinese longevity arts (think tai chi). In fact, our relationship began while studying these arts back in 1985 (oops, that dates us a bit I think).
Here’s a quick video tutorial that will show you 2 simple techniques to wake up your hypothalamus and stimulate your parotid glands. They are simple and free and may even help you feel better and look younger.
If you like this sort of information, please let us know in the comments below this video. We have a lot more ancient wisdom and strategies to share, but since this is our first time talking on this level with you all, we’d like to hear if you want us to make any more video tutorials like this.
What do you do to mitigate the risks of cell phones?
Ready to take your oral health to the next level? Download our FREE eBook “How to stop tooth decay and remineralize your teeth” today!
Helpful, Related Resources:
How to stop tooth decay and remineralize your teeth [free eBook]
The 5 Steps to a Healthy Mouth [free video series]
Why Teeth Decay (and how to stop it) [article]
Peggy says
Love this type of information!!!
Kate Mendoza says
Wow, thanks! This is really helpful. I can feel the renewal of my jaw muscles now.
Linda says
I love this kind of information. Thank you!
Nini says
Am new to the website and just saw this.
Thank you ever so much for the great and wise information! The “Ancient Cultures” (don’t know a proper name for it) really knew, their Inheritants are blessed and a blessing to those who hear and listen to them. We have deep respect of the Eastern Culture and the Indigenous People of different countries.
My Elders said “health starts in the mouth” making my cousins and me chew sugarcane to “exercise” my teeth. At the beginning of the sugarcane season, three of the “soft” areas a day were enough. Believe me, the whole mouth felt the “exercise”! At the end of the sugarcane season my Cousins and I had to shew at least three whole canes and a few of the sugarcane’s hard “knots” (what are their names?). One Great Grandmothers died at 103, another at 106, one Grand Uncle at 108, and each had all of the teeth ground almost to their gums, but theirs!
All this brings me to a question: Do you know of a similar way to “exercise” one’s teeth?
Again, thank you and please give us some more.
Rebekah At OraWellness says
Aloha Nini,
Welcome to our community.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing some of the awesome experience you’ve had thanks to the wisdom of your Elders. 🙂
That’s a great question!
To us, foods that are fibrous and that provide a gentle resistance are great for exercising the teeth and jaw. We’re not talking about crunchy or sticky things here; just fibrous foods. Our favorite examples are a mouthful of parsley (stems included!) or some jerky. Both of those foods provide a lot of fiber for us to chew against so the jaw and teeth get a good workout.
Here’s a link to an article that has a video at the bottom that explains a little more about this: How to Straighten Teeth Without Braces
Rest assured, we’re working on even more resources about these kinds of topics to help you on your path. If you haven’t already, feel free to check out the rest of our free video tutorials, expert interviews, ebooks, and articles. We also invite you to sign up for our emailing list so you know when we release new resources.
Thank you and Aloha!
Ted says
I appreciate the info you’re providing. Thanks!
Would you say speakerphone is better than wired headset? If so, by how much? A little or a lot? (I ask because I find wired headset very useful in my work, and speakerphone often doesn’t cut it for me). Thanks!
Will And Susan says
Hi Ted,
Thanks for posting here and asking such a great question. I think it’s mostly a factor of distance from the cell phone itself. I commonly use both wired headset as well as speakerphone. I believe both of these solutions help create distance from the source of radiation.
I hope that helps!
Thanks again for asking!
Jackie says
I have not seen information on this subject anywhere else and really appreciated learning what you present in this article and the techniques you share in the video. Thank you very much!
Virginia Brown says
In response to the reader who asked about the Defendershield, I can report that this company is following in the footsteps of Harapad, LLC who first came up with EMF protection pads to go under a laptop. As the owner of bioelectricshield.com, a company that specializes in protection from electromagnetic radiation, we’re strong believers in layering your EMF protection. The most effective way to protect yourself is to first get full body protection from some kind of EMF protection Shield. Once you have protected your own biofield, we suggest placing various products on your electronics. This can include laptop or smartphone pads, cases, or stick-on devices. The Defender or the Harapad both carry a line of products that do an excellent job of keeping EMF away from your body when using a specfic device such as a laptop or tablet. As your third layer of defense from EMF, you can also put EMF protection products in your auto, home or any room in your home. We carry a whole home unit, or plug-in filters to go near electronics as well as a room Shield that will reduce EMF in a room or a car.
Crystal says
What’s your thoughts on: https://www.defendershield.com/?
Sandy says
Thank you for sharing this information!
Rebekah At OraWellness says
Aloha Sandy,
You are very welcome!
Feel free to contact us with any questions, Sandy; we’re here to help. 🙂
Thank you and Aloha!
Mary Ann says
I always enjoy the information you share. Mahalo
Will says
Thank you Mary Ann! 🙂
KS says
I do love you guys! And I do like what you cover. I’m very glad you showed the techniques, and welcome more such content that you want to share in the future. Thanks for everything you do! I have forwarded many of your articles to my dentist!
Will says
Aloha KS,
Thank you for the love! 🙂 We so appreciate your feedback.
We love you too!
Lu says
Like many others I do love self help natural methods of self help. A very nice simple strategy that if it helps is invaluable. I had slight ringing in one ear for a few seconds after following along with you, so feel it activated some reaction towards healing
Please continue, very kind of you.
Will says
Thank you for letting us know Lu! We are glad you found benefit from using the exercises…
joan says
I am a person that resists using a cellphone, and am lucky that I have a lifestyle that I can get away with not using it much. I have one that I might use a few times a month. I am very sensitive to emf’s and when I make a call out on my cell, holding it to my ear, my eyeballs will vibrate with each “ring” the phone makes. It’s a ticklish feeling, and I choose to laugh at it, but I am aware of the larger implications.
I tried the exercises and they do make me feel better. Thanks.
More of this type of thing, please! Your information isn’t “out there,” it’s “cutting edge.” (even though it’s ancient)
Will says
Thank you for the positive feedback Joan! We appreciate that you feel this info we share is pertinent and cutting edge. Isn’t it funny how ancient wisdom can help us with modern challenges? I hear you on the ‘tickle’ from cell phones, although I’ve never felt it in my eyes! 🙂
priscilla says
i like this information!
Will says
Thanks for letting us know Priscilla!
sgl says
I loved this video. I love the value of tapping and massage. Great info. Keep it coming.
Will says
Excellent! Thank you!
Liesje says
I often feel conscious of what could be happening when holding the cell phone so close to my head….thanks for some help in this area, and should you do these exercises after every phone call, or just once a day? Keep these informative videos coming! Being shown visually is much easier than reading about it, so thanks for making the videos!
Will says
Thank you for the quality feedback Liesje! We’ll keep making the videos to provide the concepts visually. 🙂
Betty says
Thank you for the information – very today – we need to be aware of all EMF and what they can do to our bodies. Please feel free to write more of the Eastern traditional medicine articles. Is there a link on your site to the cell phone Pong you mentioned?
Will says
Wonderful Betty. Thank you for your feedback. I just added a link to the Pong on amazon. Please check the article. 🙂
Linda says
Hi, Yes, absolutely love such information that is so natural and healing…..looking forward to more of your videos.
Will says
Thanks Linda!
Sarah says
As a Naturopath I especially appreciate the exercise to “wake the Hypothalamus”. I have many clients who need this simple technique and now I can share it with them as well. Thank you for this important work you are doing!
Will says
Thank you Dr Sarah for your kind words of support! We completely agree that waking up the hypothalamus is something many of us can benefit from! 🙂 Thank you for sharing about our work.
Keep on doing your excellent work too!
Cameo says
Ancient wisdom – keep it coming!
Will says
Thanks Cameo. Will do!
Jesse says
Aloha Will,
I have been against the use of cell phones since they first came out, it never made sense to me to put my head in a microwave oven. lol. I certainly don’t have all the answers because it is definitely a complex issue, and there are many variables that are hard to know for sure and how they impact the human body. It seems to me some of the key variables to be aware of are frequency and power. I have always looked toward frequency as being very important. Home microwave ovens operate in the 2.45 gigahertz range while cell phones in the range of 1.8 – 2.2 gigahertz, pretty close. Bluetooth is 2.2 – 60 gigahertz, so no solution there, maybe worse. Of course, the power is much higher in an oven. The mechanism of operation is to excite polar molecules such as water, fats (think brain) and sugars by dielectric heating, where the molecules rotate as they try to align themselves with the alternating electric field of the microwaves. That just doesn’t sound to me like what I want to do to my brain. 🙂
My approach to long distance voice communication is to talk on a “Skype” phone. Of course, this requires that I be near my computer, but it is only during those times that I will talk on the phone for extended periods of time. When I am not at my computer I only use my cell phone for 1 – 2 minutes at a time, to make plans to meet someone or other types of arrangements. If I am at my computer and someone calls me, I say, hey I will call you right back from my Skype phone. It is a slight inconvenience, and some people are put off by it and think I’m a whack job, but I always think, who is crazier? 🙂 My logic is this: with a headset plugged into my laptop the signal is being transferred at a frequency in the 10 – 20 kilohertz range, way lower a frequency. This is the frequency range of music, so if all that loud rock and rock hasn’t gotten me yet, I figure this is ok. BTW, a “Skype” phone is a plan that Skype has where I can make outgoing calls to any cell phone or landline in the US, unlimited calls for $2.95/mo. They have other plans where you can receive calls also for a few more bucks, but I have a cell phone anyway and use it for that
Reading your blogs every week and loving them, just been busy and haven’t had much to comment about. Crazy how often I want to rest my head on my hand. lol! I did go back and watch your video series again this weekend, highly recommend that to anyone. Watched them in Oct. last year, but I change and learn and found them useful again. Looked up my blood phos and I am at 3.5 for the last 3 years, need to tip those scales in my favor. 🙂 I noticed a lot of comments about soaking nuts and grains, wanted to mention I read an article on the Weston Price website that said soaking in water alone doesn’t do much good. You need an acid medium, best is to add some whey, but lemon or cider vinegar should also work. I would post the link but for some reason the website is not loading for me. When it comes back, just do a search on phytic acid.
Keep the ancient wisdom coming, and the modern stuff too. 🙂
Will says
Thanks for all the awesome stuff here Jesse! Agreed on the general use of cell phones. Your point on frequencies here is so perfect!
Thank you for letting us know that our articles are helpful to you. In one comment, you were able to communicate that you have read so many of our posts! Hehe, now if we can all just keep from resting our faces in our hands… 🙂
Thank you and Aloha!
Evelyn says
I always learn and enjoy your tutorials! Thank you for helping in our journey with health and wellness! God bless!
Will says
Thank you for your kind words and blessing Evelyn!
Alice Brickman says
Thank you for this helpful info. It is really great. I am so glad you are out there bringing this most healthful info!
Alice Brickman
Certified Transcendental Meditation Teacher,
Long Island, NY
Will says
Thank you for your kind comments Alice!
Samdy says
I will share this information with my dentist. I have had off and on periodontal disease and go to the periodontist every 6 months for teeth cleaning, and then he send me to my dentist if he sees something. This past time I had lots of decay in the front teeth. Lots of soft places that needed to be filled. My dentist said this was too much and wanted to know if I had changed anything. I haven’t. I also have sjogrens and a very dry mouth. Some times when I wake up my teeth are somewhat stuck to the inside of my mouth. I always take a glass of water to bed with me.
Teresa says
Love this stuff – keep it coming – God bless you in these great efforts!
Will says
Thank you Teresa for your blessing!
Susan says
Yes this video is a gem Will and Susan! More please! I did the 2 techniques and added some extra ear stroking because it feels so good 😉 My qi gong teacher, the one who knows how to throw people across the room like popcorn without touching them) told me to have my teeth talk to each other using energy and intent. That feels good too. Your information and work is SO valuable. Thank you and Aloha blessings 🙂
Will says
Thank you for the kind words of support Susan. We are so grateful to serve you all in this important, often overlooked way.
Aloha! 🙂
SheKaNah says
Awesome! Thanks yes would love more like this.
Will says
Thank you for letting us know you’d like more! 🙂
Janette says
Thanks, great info. I’d love more of it. Now to get my teens on board while their teeth are in top shape.:-)
Will says
Thanks Janette! Let us know how it works to get your teens on board with this info.
Grace says
Useful information. Please keep it coming. Thanks!
Will says
Thanks Grace! Will do! 🙂
Aunt Janet says
Wow, Will!
You did a great job teaching us your techniques. I am hoping it will help me as using the speaker is not always possible (when one is in a crowd for example)….
You look great!!! Whatever you are doing, you are not aging at all!!! Keep it up!!!
Love you both!
Aunt Jan
Will says
Thank you for the kind words Aunt Jan! Agreed that speakerphone isn’t always the most convenient option! 🙂 Thanks for the caring words of support. We love you too!
Julie says
Thank you for this wonderful information! I loved the video and will be sharing it with friends. Thanks again!
Will says
Thanks Julie! Sharing it with your friends is such a compliment to us!
Xin says
Thank you!
I have some pretty severe sensitivities to electromagnetics, and healing my teeth and gums is one (very important) prong to my healing path at the moment.
My jaw pain (especially underneath the jawline, in the gum cavities) — which is usually quite severe — went away 90%, and my mind fog clear up a lot after trying this! …mood is brighter, and much happier/more relaxed, too.
Teeth and gums have been a big part of my healing journey for a long time and still are. I really appreciate the info and work and positivity/thoughtfulness of approach you both put into your videos and blog posts.
I have a deep appreciation for ancient wisdom and other approaches and am grateful for this information, and what I’ve read/watched of what you’ve shared on your blog so far.
Please do share more of it! 🙂
You’ve certainly touched my life in doing so.
The information is so rare out there on the interwebs.
Aloha and blessings, too!
Xin says
*cleared up
Will says
Aloha Xin,
Thank you SO much for sharing about your successes! We completely agree that these exercises can help clear mental fog and TMJ pain.
Congratulations on achieving such a tremendous healing! The right ‘medicine’ at the right time can do so much.
Martha says
Love your OraWellness tooth products; and this video was awesome. The kind of information we need! Thank you very much!
Will says
Thank you for letting us know you appreciate the info (and our products) Martha!
Sarah B says
Thanks so much for this info! I have been more concerned lately about EMFs from cell phones and also computers and other devices. This is great to know about – & I tried it along with you in the video. I felt more relaxed afterward! I will try to remember to do this on a regular basis.
Will says
Awesome Sarah! We are so glad you found immediate benefit from the info! Anytime you feel any head pressure can be a gentle reminder to help ‘clear’ your head of any EMFs with these techniques.
Hk says
Any knowledge regarding emf exposure from headsets? I love a headset, but I read something about how it shoots radiation into your ears unless you use a special type. Thanks, and I much appreciate the video!
Will says
Aloha HK,
I question the safety of headsets too as we’ve heard the same warning. Some info has shared that the ‘air tube’ headsets don’t allow the EMFs to travel up to the head. It makes sense but I’ve also heard that their sound quality isn’t great. I tend to go speaker and have a ‘Pong’ on our phone.
Amanda says
I have switched to an air tube headphones for the last 6 months or so, and I actually think the sound quality is better than on my Apple headphones. For context, I listen mostly to classical music (which has a huge range of volume and types of sound). The brand I bought was Kinden (via Amazon).
Glenn says
Thanks for sharing the easy simple loving touch solution to a modern day problem 🙂
Will says
Aloha Glenn,
Thanks for letting us know you appreciate the strategy! 🙂
Karis says
Loved this information, that it was short and easy to follow, and the price was perfect!! Had not heard about this dental connection before and I am trying to educate myself on electro magnetic radiation (EMR) issues. Perfect timing and would like to learn more.
Will says
Awesome Karis! So glad you found benefit from the info! Hehe, the price is perfect! 🙂
Glenda says
I love the taste of the taste of the healthy mouth blend. Thanks for that information on the cellphone. Could you give us some more of the ill effects of the cell phone. This may be out of the mouth realm; however, do you have any any information on the effects of the cell phone on the back and spinal cord? My son recently got a new cell phone and spent days programming it etc. He ended up with back pains for more than a week. He does not believe however that the cell phone can cause that amount of pain. Any information on that would be very helpful. You can send me that info personally, not necessarily to be sent to everyone.
Will says
Aloha Glenda,
Thank you for your caring note. I don’t know much of the specifics of the risks of cell phones, but our friends who have a business around this whole subject do. Check out http://www.BioElectricShield.com for more info on this. We hope that helps! 🙂
Dr. Strader says
Mahalo Will,
As a “biological” or holistic dentist, I appreciate your wisdom. My mentor Hal Huggins, DDS recently passed away with the hope that we as whole health dentists carry on the warnings about fluoridated water, mercury based fillings, root canals, etc., while guiding our patients to ultimate health.
Dan Strader, DDS
Dallas TX
Will says
Aloha Dr Dan!
Thank you SO much for stopping by to share your experience and appreciation with us. Together we will continue to bring forward the reality that no matter how we look at it, the mouth is still connected to the rest of the body! 🙂 Through all of us who ‘the Doc’ touched, his message and mission will continue to grow and help the world navigate this crazy path to optimal oral (and whole body) health!
Diana says
Yes….would love to see more videos incorporating ancient wisdom techniques! This particular video regarding cell phones and these exercises was extremely helpful…..thanks!!
Will says
Thanks Diana! So glad this info helps you!
Alice Connell says
I love this kind of information! We are not isolated in parts and this shows so well how the teeth are part of a body SYSTEM. This reminds me of articles I’ve read on ‘inner exercise’ or ‘energy medicine’ or ‘chi exercise’ (a few terms that describe this body energy) So yes, I am very interested in your ancient wisdom and strategies that you can share. THANKS for showing us that teeth are part of our body system which we can have control over healing and preventing ill health just as we can care for other body parts with the right nutrition and care.
Will says
Aloha Alice,
Thank you for letting us know. You are correct, the body is one system and it’s folly to try to treat it as a bunch of parts like a car.
Mary Higgins says
Loved this! Thanks for all of your videos and great website. I also think your products are great and have purchased the brushes and Healthy Mouth Blend for many of my family members.
Will says
Thank you Mary. Sharing our products with your loved ones is perhaps the highest compliment you could ever give us. We are honored to serve you and your family in this often overlooked way. Thank you!
Debbie White says
Love your videos. I believe strongly in self-help. Thanks for
all your tips. ( I use your products.)
Will says
Great Debbie! Thank you for appreciating our information and products!
Dorothy says
This is such a practical strategy. Please bring on more tips from ancient Chinese wisdom!
Will says
You got it Dorothy! Thanks for sharing your appreciation with us!
Joan Tonn says
I like this information on massaging the jaws and tapping the back of the head.
Will says
Awesome Joan. Thanks for letting us know!
Stacey Shinkel says
This is great information!!!! Thank you for all you do!!
Will says
Thanks Stacey! Thank you for wanting to hear what we have to say! Without you wanting to watch, I would feel pretty silly making videos! 🙂
Moriah says
I am a licensed massage therapist and I am already aware if the positive impact touch provides. Thank you for the video tutorial, the information is very usefull.
Will says
Thank you for the compliment Moriah. It’s amazing how powerful caring touch is, isn’t it?
MP says
Good information. I’d appreciate similar videos. Thank you.
Will says
Thanks for letting us know MP!
Darleen says
Hi Will & Susan,
Thank you for this wonderful information. I practice QiGong and acupressure daily and would be interested in hearing and seeing any information you could share.
Love and Blessings
Will says
Awesome Darleen!
Thank you for letting us know. Happy practicing!!
Shar says
Thanks for you clear and concise explanation. Love the exercise and look forward to learning more!
Will says
Thanks for letting us know Shar!
Julie says
I haven’t a cell phone of my own but I’m required to use one regularly at work since they took away our landlines. I feel the cell does negatively impact my health (dental, ears, other) so yes, I will use this technique for sure and welcome on going information. Thank you for your great website!!! julie
Will says
Aloha Julie,
Thanks for letting us know! Have to use a cell for work? Ugg! Since it’s required, I would request a headset!
Patricia says
Thank you Will. I found this video very interesting and informative. I certainly would like to have more tips and lessons from you on natural ways to maintain our teeth.
I have been a customer now for more than a year and plan never to return to ‘regular’ toothpaste or brushes.
I like your approach and value the information and products you provide.
Will says
Thank you for letting us know and for your kind words of support Patricia! We are honored to help you navigate to greater oral health.
Anne says
P.S. My spell check took over and misspelled explanation as explains toon!
Will says
Hehe. The dastardly spell checker!
Anne says
Thank you for the instructions to massage the face to stimulate healing and help maintain health. Your studies of different disciplines makes sense. Of course, your explains toon of what is the rationale for the massage is essential.
Will says
Awesome Anne! Thanks for letting us know.
Cynthia says
Great video & article! I worry about cell phone radiation and the tips you gave will be easy to incorporate into my daily routine. Thank you!
Will says
Wonderful Cynthia! Thank you for letting us know!
Virginia says
I really liked the video on cellphones. My iPad doesn’t always download your ciders but this one did and I’m so glad. More like this please. Mahalo.
Will says
Thank you for letting us know, Virginia!
Ray says
Love the Ancient Wisdon..More,Please
Will says
You got it Ray! Thanks!
Trista says
Thanks for giving us this info.
Will says
Thank you Trista! It’s our pleasure to share what we have benefited from through the years with you!
Janine says
Great post!!! will try the techniques!
Will says
Thank you Janine!
Audrey says
Yes!! I loved this video and the information.
Please, I would thoroughly enjoy more videos like this.
Mahalo for blessing me today.
Will says
Thanks for the blessing back Audrey! 🙂
Betty says
Thanks. I didn’t know this technique, and I can see it can help. Glad you pointed out about not adding to the effects of gravity. :} Betty
Will says
Hehe Betty. Yep, in the end, all our faces will be ‘further south’ than they are today. No need to help that process along, right! 🙂