What do bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, skin issues, asthma, even migraines all have in common? All of these signs, symptoms and diseases can all stem from compromised digestion, what is commonly called leaky gut. Can oil pulling help heal a leaky gut? Leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, occurs when foreign ‘stuff’ that shouldn’t…Read More
Is Stress the Primary Cause of Gum Disease?
This week we’d like to step back and take a broad view to find what may be the primary undermining factor that keeps each of us from living our fullest life possible with an optimized immune expression. After all, without an immune system humming along in good rhythm, chronic infections like gum disease can…Read More
How to Find the Healthiest Diet for YOU
Today, let’s go beyond our normal point of focus on subjects like foods to help remineralize your teeth, how to balance your oral flora and traditional strategies to optimize your oral health like oil pulling. A second title for this article could be “How to follow your heart to your optimal healing diet”. As…Read More
The Connection Between Gum Disease, Mercury and Alzheimer’s
Are you ready to get your mind blown when it comes to your understanding of the brain’s role in whole-body health? Here’s an interview with Dr. Brandon Brock, a functional neurologist who is hands down the most knowledgeable person in medicine that we have ever had the honor of meeting.
How to Balance Your Oral Flora and Be a Good Conductor of the Symphony in Your Mouth
Are you ready to go on an adventure? This journey requires great courage and an open mind. Today we want to explore one of the most common oral health myths in our culture: that all plaque is bad. It seems that modern culture loves to over-condense issues and subjects, categorizing things as right vs. wrong,…Read More
What Your Receding Gums Could Be Telling You…
Is there a connection between receding gums, snoring, and feeling less-than-energetic? Today we’re going to put several puzzle pieces in place to help us navigate not only to greater oral health but also to whole-being wellness. In a recent article titled, ‘What causes receding gums and how to stop it’ (which happened to be our…Read More
Are Dental Sealants Safe?
Dental sealants are heralded as one of the ‘great hopes’ to stop tooth decay in modern culture. Numerous research studies about sealants for teeth over the past 20 years have shown that sealants decrease tooth decay. But what’s really going on here? Are the results of the studies accurate or being manipulated to paint…Read More
How to Stop Receding Gums
This is the follow-up to What Causes Receding Gums and How to Stop it. In that article, we explored how gum recession can only happen when the underlying bone tissue of the upper and/or lower jaw has diminished through the process of demineralization. Today, we will explore various strategies for supporting and optimizing jaw bone…Read More
How Nutrition Plays a Foundational Role in Stopping and Reversing Gum Disease
Have you ever had a dentist tell you about the importance of nutrition? Not just the rhetoric of, ‘Don’t eat sugar,’ but have they really wanted to educate you about the critical role of nutrient-dense foods for creating optimal oral health (and whole-body wellness)? We’d never had this experience until years ago when we…Read More
How to Safely and Effectively Remove Mercury from Your Brain and Body
Marisa is a 38-year-old woman, happy wife, and mother of 3 children. In many ways, her life is awesome. That is, except for the recent news that her father has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. “And he’s only 62”, she pondered. She thought that Alzheimer’s only struck old people in the last days of their…Read More