Have you ever wondered the science behind why vitamin D has a direct impact on how strong our teeth are?
Do you struggle with eating a traditional diet in today’s modern world?
Well, you’re in for a treat with this expert interview with Dr Steven Lin, bestselling author of The Dental Diet.
In his excellent book, Dr Lin weaves together so many pieces to the puzzle to a healthy mouth including:
- The importance in tongue placement for proper dental arch development in kids
- The critical role nutrition plays in the path to a healthy mouth
- How epigenetics makes or breaks our future oral health
- Real-time strategies how to meet our nutritional needs in our modern world
- and so much more.
Here are some highlights of today’s expert interview:
5:35 The fun story about where Dr Lin first came across the work of Dr Weston Price
8:55 Why Dr Price’s work was lost for nearly 70 years
14:00 The missing nutrients responsible for incomplete facial development in growing children
16:05 How ‘downgraded’ dental architecture causes a breakdown in fundamental health
23:05 What a dental office of the future is going to do for their patients
25:00 The critical roles breastfeeding plays in the future health of the child
28:40 How a woman in her 60s completely changed her life by having functional airway orthodontics
32:20 The relationship between nutrient deficiency and impaired methylation
35:30 Dr Lin’s #1 most important food to support greater oral health
36:30 The #1 food that undermines our oral health the most (it’s NOT sugar ????)
39:10 How to navigate a traditional diet in a modern world
42:05 The critical importance of nasal breathing for optimal oral health
Check out Dr Lin’s excellent book, The Dental Diet, on amazon here.
Helpful, Related Resources:
How to stop tooth decay and remineralize your teeth [free eBook]
Why teeth decay (and how to stop it) [article]
What foods undermine our oral health [article]
How nutrition plays a foundation role in stopping gum disease [expert interview]
The connection between grinding, snoring and feeling tired all day [expert interview]
Why teeth decay (and how to stop it) [article]
What foods undermine our oral health [article]
How nutrition plays a foundation role in stopping gum disease [expert interview]
The connection between grinding, snoring and feeling tired all day [expert interview]
Will, you commented a couple of years ago, I think, that the #1 dietary improvement you could recommend for improved health was natural fats and oils. It shocked me. Your chemical details were impressive, and your final point that if you were wrong, we would not be here, because olive oil, butter, lard and beef fat (and I guess coconut oil in the tropics) were the only oils ingested by our great grandparents was the knock out punch.
Watching Dr. Lin process your question today and come up, apparently impromptu, with the same answer was a very impressive confirmation.
I more and more appreciate your research and analysis. It has made a very positive impact on my oral wellness, and I’m sure my delightful overall wellness, too.
Mahalo nui loa!
Wow! I hadn’t planned on listening to the whole webcast, but once I started I couldn’t stop listening. Thank you for sharing such incredibly important educational information.
HI There, there is a small confusion in this video for me. At one point he points to vegetable oils as having a negative impact on the teeth while a minute later he says he uses olive oil. Can you please clarify this for me. Thank you!
Aloha Asia,
Thanks for stopping by to ask this great question!
There’s such confusion around what oils/fats are healthy or not. In fact, even within those ‘in the know’, there’s such divergence on this.
We stand on the side that believes the research that states that saturated fats are not just healthy for us, they are critically important as they contain the fat soluble vitamins that humans require to live vital, healthy lives. So, animal fats (from healthy animals raised on their native foods), coconut oil, etc are the ‘go to’ oils. Along this same line, vegetable oils tend to be considered unhealthy. Among these unhealthy oils are: corn, soy, safflower, cotton seed, canola. There are a couple other oils that can provide health benefits. These include olive and avocado oils (which aren’t truly vegetable oils, but tree fruit oils).
Anyway, for a deeper read, check out a great article from one of our long time friends, Katie, over at Wellness Mama. https://wellnessmama.com/2193/never-eat-vegetable-oil/
We hope that helps!
Great interview! Thank you for speaking with Dr. Lin. I am inspired to put my night-time mouth breathing to rest (learned behavior since childhood), that I may help my children as well.
Great interview that highlighted some key issues that we tend to overlook in our modern world. Both the dental and the medical fields have become service oriented industries that specialize in treating symptoms instead of searching for a solution to address the cause and prevention of the disease or illness.
The re-education of the dentist or doctor will be a monumental task that should start in the initial education and continue into their medical/dental practice. The educational system, coupled with the pharmaceutical industry, who pays for a substantial portion of that education, often disrupts meaningful progress. However, their are pioneers like Dr. Lin who see the need and have begun to chip away at long standing traditions, protocols and education to assist in human survival.
Absolutely fascinating and makes so much sense. I have long been a fan of Dr. Price’s work. You always provide information that is not available anywhere else and really makes a difference. I am a very satisfied user of your products and affiliate as well. As a health coach I find your resources and products invaluable for my clients, my family and myself.
Thanks Ann! 🙂
Wow! Thank you for sharing Dr. Lin. I just went to amazon and read the one bad review. Reader was put off by Dr. Lin’s diet consisting of meat. He felt that Dr. Michael Greger’s book on plant-based diet facts made more sense to him. I was vegetarian for 30+yrs and couldn’t ignore the info on fat and meat-eating. It wasn’t info I wanted to hear (animal lover here) but why it took me so long to finally get it!!! I am finishing reading Dr. Hyman’s book Eat Fat, Get Thin. The real history of why fat has been the bad food all these years is written in easy to understand language (resourced). Finally, I have stopped going to the pantry or frig every hour because I am hungry. Adding fat to my diet keeps me satiated. Vegetables are the majority of my diet (read complex carbs – not simple carbs like breads, cookies and pasta).
Aloha Suzanne,
Thanks for adding your feedback here. We completely agree with you that it’s a tough path of loving animals and being willing to consume them. I’ve found that I can love them and consume them. In fact, I take my reliance on animals very soberly, even sacredly.
As far as finding ‘peace’ with consuming fats, welcome to ‘the other side’ of the story! 🙂 Isn’t it a wonderful thing when you feel satiated for hours and not finding yourself reaching for the next simple carb/sugar fix?
Wow, what a great and useful interview!
Hi Will and Susan, great interview with Dr. Lin. I’m reading his book right now and it is so well layed out and easy to understand. I recommended the book to my dentist as well as my hygienist.
Agree wholeheartedly with Lin. These data should be wildly known!
Excellent, thank you so much for sharing this important information! Headed to amazon to check out this book. My oral health is very much improved due to diet (grass fed butter, ghee and tallow, bone broth, etc.) and your Orawellness HealThy Mouth blend and Shine products. I so appreciate your keeping your customers up to date on the latest oral health information. I recommend your products to anyone and everyone. Thanks and love!
Thank you so much Carolyn.
It’s so touching for us when caring people like you take a moment from your busy life to share your appreciation for our work and products.
Really, it means SO much to us!
Thank you and Aloha!
Fascinating – wow – I’m inspired anew. Thanks for doing that interview. Hoping we can get the kind of clinic Dr Lin speaks of in Vancouver, Canada
I agree with you guys and Dr. Lin wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, most dentists don’t want to hear anything dealing with nutrition unless they are holistic. What a sad state of affairs.
dear will and susan,
as thank you for your wonderful , insightful articles
a devoted user of shine and mouth drops..