The trip to the dentist…
It all started in 1997 when I was diagnosed with advanced periodontal disease (also known as periodontitis). I had been going to dentists my whole life and this was the first dentist to ever mention periodontal disease.
The dentist did what is called a periodontal pocket depth test, which measures the depth of the gum pockets around each tooth. To my surprise, I had one pocket that was over 10 millimeters deep!
This is a classic case of advanced periodontal disease.
The dentist handed me a periodontal disease brochure that outlined their treatment protocol, which involved extensive, expensive, painful root planing and gum surgery. All of this with no guarantee that the treatment would actually heal my mouth. (In hindsight and after years of research, I have found that the scientific literature clearly shows that the prescribed gum surgery can actually speed up tooth loss!)
Given that I am the type of person who prefers to take responsibility for my own health, I immediately researched and began to implement alternative therapies for advanced periodontal disease.
Home care…
My research uncovered that periodontal disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria thriving in the mouth. These same bacteria are also responsible for bad breath, gum recession, tooth sensitivity, and tooth loss.
I was shocked to find that gum disease is also linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, low-birth-weight babies, and even cancer.
I learned of a way to treat periodontal disease at home, without all of the expense and pain. So, I decided that I would give this home treatment a try.
After using the Pocket Applicator for just a few days, I already noticed that the bad smell and the bleeding that I had been experiencing had reduced. I applied the information steadfastly because I was determined to heal myself as well as “prove the dentist wrong” when she told me that the condition was “non-reversible and incurable”.
A year later…
May 1998, I returned to the same dentist and requested another periodontal probe test. The year before, she had found some pockets of 4 and 5 mm depths. However, these same pockets were now only 3 and 4 mm.
Also, I had one molar that originally had measured at over 10 mm and now, a year later, read only at 3 mm.
The dentist was so confused that she thought the second reading was wrong and tried to push the probe down deeper. Ouch! Then, unable to believe otherwise, she came to the conclusion that the reading from the year before MUST have been wrong! It wasn’t.
I know that it was not wrong. I gave particular attention to that tooth/gum, doing regular home treatment with the HealThy Mouth System using antibacterial solutions and lots of massage. I even visualized the gum re-adhering to the tooth.
No more loose teeth!
Another very interesting bit of feedback I received from that follow-up visit to the dentist was that any loose teeth I had on the first visit were no longer loose!
On the first visit, the dentist tested my teeth for mobility and found that several of them had either minor or moderate movement. On my return visit, I had no measurable tooth movement! Another major improvement!
The sad part of the story is that when I told the dentist that I had been applying home care, she had no questions. She essentially didn’t want to hear what I had done to reverse what she considered to be an incurable condition. But I wanted to share my story!!
Is this healing a miracle?
It’s interesting to note that there are some dentists who treat gum disease and periodontal disease very effectively. Their treatment protocol parallels the OraWellness HealThy Mouth System very closely.
Simply put, the strategy is to disrupt and disorganize the bacteria that are implicated with gum disease and follow an effective, daily dental hygiene program. The tools that the dentist uses to successfully treat periodontal disease in the office are very similar to the tools that we can use at home.
If you’d like to learn more about how you can also create a ‘dental miracle’ in your own mouth, we welcome you to check out our HealThy Mouth System here.
The OraWellness HealThy Mouth System provides the tools, education and feedback that are necessary for anyone to make massive improvement in their oral health. Yes, even if you think you’re too far down the road towards dentures, you can still take action to get great results that will shock your dentist at your next appointment.
Want some proof? Here is the actual copy of my periodontal depth charts from the dentist who diagnosed and then un-diagnosed me.