Each of the ingredients in our HealThy Mouth Blend has a specific function in the formula.
We use a base of certified organic carrier oil (almond oil for the original blend and jojoba oil for the Nut-Free blend) simply as a very light-colored, almost flavorless method of diluting the potent essential oils so that the blend can be used in the mouth.
Also, while formulating the HealThy Mouth Blend, we wanted to make a formula that was a balance of warming and cooling plant essences. We consider this balanced formula very important to insure that we all can use the blend over time and not imbalance the body ‘further downstream’. After all, the mouth is the gateway into the rest of the body. As such, the mouth is a very important part of the body to keep healthy and balanced.
Here’s some additional information on the role of each of the ingredients in the HealThy Mouth Blend.