Well! My last dentist visit was six months ago, February [2021]. I started using your products in March [2021]. My friend recommended (she knows you from Eureka). I have not used toothpaste since March. It was quite a change but I took the challenge. I am obsessed with using your products and was very anxious for my dental visit this morning [August 2021].
I noticed the hygienist was hardly scrapping my teeth and shortly after said “WOW, your gums looks amazing! You must’ve changed your home routine?!” I waited until the end of my appointment, and after the hygienist and the dentist talked up my teeth 🙂 and finally threw out the…..”Oh, and I don’t use toothpaste anymore”!
They were anxious to learn about your oils and I proudly passed on the information! I cannot say THANK YOU enough for this lifestyle change!!!! THANK YOU!
Renee S from CO