I am long overdo in my praise for your products that I use regularly for almost 3 years now.
I believe to have started the heal thy mouth blend with brushing and gum irrigation syringe applicator. I was experiencing much gum bleeding and aches throughout different areas of my mouth. Dull, aching pains along tooth and gum lines that would wake me in the night and bother me daily. I have receding gums.
My dentist spoke with me about proper oral hygiene, brush and floss techniques and suggested multiple enhanced flouride pastes and sensitivity products. Did all that, the bleeding continued and so also the tooth aching. My dentist intimated that I potentially might have some form of bone cancer. Every visit to the office was the routine diagnosis of unhealthy sensitive gums with additional recession.
So I started searching the web. Found your products, read a few testimonials and decided to try them out. For the first 2-3 wks I would routinely every night flush inside my gum lines your recommended blend of hydrogen peroxide/water mix. I was actually seeing a lot of surface bubbling in multiple areas. Similar, though not quite as drastically what you’d see when applying hydrogen peroxide to a surface wound or skin abrasion. So initially that gave me a sense of relief in feeling as though maybe this will help?
As I continued to irrigate my gums, the nightly and daily pain left and has not been back since. I have not irrigated my gums since the initial applications, but have continuously used the heal the mouth blend 2x daily.
I have also incorporated the Shine Powder Mint blend remineralizer now for almost the entire time using your products.
My dental visits, which I have every 4 mos are always positive in regards to good gum health and no bleeding. My hygienist and dentist have asked me what I have been doing to make such a positive difference. I told the of your products that I use, how much better I now feel and they see my testimony first hand and agree to the value it’s provided.
I still have the gum recession, but my oral health is so much better and honestly can say I’ve been pain witin [sic] the first week or two of using oral wellness.
I sincerely thank you for your products and continue to be a faithful user of them.
Marcos W D from MO