Despite being a longtime Weston A. Price Foundation member and eating a healthy mostly low carb, high fat diet, using good quality supplements, and getting at least some of the exercise I should be doing, I realized after finding OraWellness’ website and beginning to use the Healthy Mouth Blend and brush that I’d been brushing my teeth 180 degrees the wrong way and with a firm toothbrush at that!
Because I floss and brush regularly I had no cavities at my last checkup but was told my gums were receding a bit–a fairly healthy mouth at age 77, but I plan to live a lot longer and want things to stay that way.
I began oil pulling as well, and after a month was sold on the basics and began reading the emails that had piled up from OraWellness. This was where I encountered the interview with Dr. Kulreep Chaudhary and her revolutionary combination of western medicine and Ayurveda. I had studied Ayurveda for two years and follow many of its principles, but this interview powerfully brought back to me how wise this ancient system is.
I immediately bought her book and am immersed in it, and I have no question but that her recommendations are sound, practical, and the next step on my journey to understand my own specific body and its relationship to food.
I’m deeply grateful to you at OraWellness for all your work, research, and presentation of the wider context of health in which oral health is embedded so that following your recommendations and using your products makes even more sense now than when I began. My deep gratitude for all you do to help people successfully navigate the flood of conflicting information on health and find genuine long-lasting, common-sense solutions.
Leslie V from Full-time travelers