I would just like to say that you continue to bless me with your outstanding articles and amazing products. I am so grateful that I found you when I did.
As I have expressed to you several times now, you have saved me so much money, pain, unnecessary dental procedures, and anxiety about my teeth and gums as I age. I just cannot tell you how much I appreciate you.
I tout your praises to all of my friends and family, and will continue to spread the word every chance I get. By simply using the Bass toothbrush, I have experienced a reduction in gum recession, tightening of some loose teeth, reduction of plaque and tartar, and many other benefits. And that is just from using the toothbrush.
The Shine is amazing and after just one jar, I have seen some of my teeth that were translucent, become white and strong again. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. I wish you all the success and good fortune in the world–you are truly changing people’s lives. I love to read the testimonials!! Blessings to your family.
Judy V from Cape Girardeau, MO