A year ago in June while at my routine cleaning/checkup the dentist discovered a tooth that he said was suffering from resorption (something I’d never heard of). When I asked what causes resorption, he asked if I had any trauma done to the tooth and I said no.
He said that my body was basically trying to get rid of this tooth so sent me to the periodontist. Of course, the best route for this tooth was to have it pulled and an implant put in which would come to over $4000 plus many trips back and forth to the dentist.
I immediately researched natural methods and came across this website. I ordered the bass toothbrushes and the HealThyMouth Blend Oil. I have been using this for over a year and it has kept the resorption at bay so far.
The bass brushing method is awesome as my last checkup the hygienist hardly found any plaque. The HealThyMouth Oil is great tasting and easy to use. I no longer use toothpaste.
I have an appointment tomorrow to get a root canal molar removed by the oral surgeon so am praying that once the toxic root canal tooth is removed, my body will start healing the tooth with the resorption problem.
I will however, continue to use the bass toothbrushes and method along with the oil. I’m sure God directed me to your website! Thank you for selling natural products that are good for us!
Glenda B from SK, Canada