My daughter and I were buying some essential oils for fragrance. In checking on line I came upon your web site. I decided to get your essential oil for a mouthwash since I wasn’t using any mouth wash and thought, Why not?
So I received your essential oil combination and began using it. It is much better than any mouth wash and really pleasant to use. I did not think it would improve my gum health.
Several months later when I went for my usual dental checkup, the woman who does my checkups told me that my gums and teeth ( which were always rated as a 4 or 5 – which was not good) were 2’s and 3’s. She told me that my teeth were in better shape than they had ever been in all the years I have been going to that particular dentist.
I was really surprised because no matter how hard I tried to improve my mouth health I could never do it. Brushing, flossing, I even added a water pic to my routine to see if that would help, but it did”t. She asked me what I had been doing and I said . well, nothing. Oh! , I said remembering, I am rinsing my mouth with essential oils. Amazing. This experience has turned me on to essential oils as a health help.
Dixie G from OR