Another thank you…almost a decade ago, I wrote to thank you for the miracle we encountered using your product on a dry socket my son encountered after oral surgery. He is on the autism spectrum and neither his dentist nor the ER took him or his pain seriously. We were on an out-of-state hockey trip and after our ignored pleas and not knowing what else to do…I pulled out the oil and he found immediate relief.
Well, thanks are in order again…I just got over thrush. My entire mouth was raw, I thought my teeth were going to fall out…my mouth was that torn up…my tongue was coated…not knowing what to do to ease the pain (or cure the thrust) I pulled out my HealThy Mouth Blend and started swishing and spitting several times a day and within three days, the thrush had cleared.
Thank you again…your product has remained part of our oral health journey and we appreciate all you do!
p.s. my son on the spectrum…he is now 21 yo, a college senior working toward his master’s in athletic training…a straight “A” student and playing collegiate hockey. He takes the HealThy Mouth blend to school too…you had a profound affect on him <3
Candace W. from WI