Good dental hygiene was not a priority in my family growing up, but eating sweets, breads and pastries certainly was. After college I had 10 cavities filled and a crown. I hated the experience. I hated the drill sound, hated the shots, hated keeping my mouth open for so long, HATED it all. Every dentist I went to blamed my teeth on genetics (my dad’s side) and not flossing. So I lost hope that my teeth would ever be “good” teeth.
As I learned more about real nutrition and Orawellness, I was still very skeptical that anything would change because this was my lot in life. I reluctantly ordered a starter kit and was faithful to following the routine for the first several months. Of course my diet drastically changed at the same time, and I began to notice clean floss. I never thought that was possible!
I also noticed the strength of my teeth improved and my receding gums weren’t bothering me as frequently.
Orawellness hasn’t just improved my oral health, they’ve provided a different perspective and hope when I thought I would never be happy with my teeth.
I went to the dentist the other day and do you know what he said?? “You have nice teeth.” To hear that from a dentist–I mean that was all worth it. I was given good health, but mostly hope. Thank you.
Andrea J from Lakewood, CA