If you suffer from gum disease (also known as periodontal disease), chances are you’ve already discovered:
- Bleeding gums is the #1 sign of gum disease.
- Gum disease is the #1 cause of adult tooth loss.
- No amount of breath mints or mouthwash can stop bad breath from periodontal disease.
- Gum disease undermines the health of the whole body.
It’s true. The health of the mouth directly impacts the health of the whole body. The mountain of data continues to grow showing the link between gum disease and systemic diseases including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, alzheimer’s and so many others.
You’re not alone!
9 out of 10 adults over 30 have some form of active gum disease.
Source: David Kennedy, DDS, author of ‘How to Save Your Teeth’
Meet Mary M from Michigan.
She just figured that her mouth was doomed…
“I saw a cousin at a family event and remarked how great her smile looked. She told me about the HealThy Mouth product, and I ordered it right away. I had recently been diagnosed with periodontal disease and constantly worried about bad breath.
Immediately upon using, my teeth felt smooth and clean –and stayed that way for hours and hours. My dental hygienist was so amazed at the improvement at my very next visit that she called the doctor in to see how great my gums looked.
He said, “Don’t stop using it!”
Every periodontal check-up has had the dental team continuing to marvel, and the disease, which I was told was irreversible, is almost gone!
Thank you for making this product and brushes — and all your great info — available!
Now you can take control of your oral health and stop the progression of periodontal disease all from the comfort of your own home.
More than 50,000 happy customers in over 75 countries around the world have empowered their oral health journey.
The HealThy Mouth System provides you with:
- The knowledge of how to stop gum disease (even advanced periodontal disease)
- The tools to effectively support you in this process
- The critical feedback where you will see with your own eyes the positive changes you’ve accomplished.
Knowledge applied is power…
The core of the HealThy Mouth System is an online educational platform that contains video tutorials, a 70 page HealThy Mouth Handbook, and other helpful resources designed to walk you through your healing journey. The videos are organized and broken up into easy to follow sessions.
Here are just a few of the subjects you will gain from these educational materials:
- The ‘global/local’ approach to stopping gum (periodontal) disease
- Getting to know your mouth – The importance of filling out your Mouth Map
- Intro to empowered oral hygiene
- 6 separate videos on how to stop deep gum pockets at home!
- An entire module dedicated to pocket applicator FAQs!
- A deep dive into the role of diet in stopping and reversing gum disease
- And more…
The bottom line is this…
It is possible for you to stop the progression of gum disease, with easy to learn, regular self care you can do yourself, all from the comfort of your own home.
Tools included in the HealThy Mouth System
HealThy Mouth Blend
The only toothpaste alternative made from 100% certified organic ingredients
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OraWellness Shine
A revolutionary remineralizing tooth whitening powder
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Tongue Cleaner
The very best friend for anyone dealing with bad breath!
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Specially Designed Bass Toothbrush
While it may look like a simple toothbrush, learning how to brush with this brush has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of gum disease.
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A good floss, at a good value, with good (environmentally friendly) packaging.
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OraWellness Pocket Applicator
The ‘secret tool’ that provides you the ability to stop even advanced periodontal disease.
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Recommended by dentists around the world
“Everyone that is interested in oral health should watch your videos, AND every dental professional should be required to watch them.
You did an OUTSTANDING job.”
Dr. Al Danenberg
Periodontist practicing over 40 years
365 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.
Our customers love to smile!
But don’t take our word for it…let’s hear what they have to say.
Guaranteed results.
Or your money back (no questions asked)
We’re so sure you will benefit from using the HealThy Mouth System, we give you an entire year (yep, 365 days) to test drive our HealThy Mouth System.
365 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the HealThy Mouth System work?
The HealThy Mouth System addresses gum disease both locally in the mouth and systemically by enlisting the body’s own innate healing immune system. By approaching periodontal disease from both a local ‘in the mouth’ AND a global ‘whole body’ perspective, we can effectively stop the progression of this attack.
Is the HealThy Mouth System safe?
Absolutely! It’s recommended by dentists around the world, has been on the market for 10 years, and has over 50,000 happy customers worldwide.
Is it going to help me keep my teeth?
While we can’t guarantee the results that you will get, if your experience is anything like the over 50,000 happy HealThy Mouth System customers, you have a very good chance that any loose teeth will actually tighten back up in your jaws!
“My teeth now feel very firm in my mouth, not loose like before.” Laura H from Arizona
Take control
of your oral health.
365 Day Money Back