Someone in your life nominated you to receive an OraWellness kit as part of our “10 Years in Business” celebration!
Your kit contains:
HealThy Mouth Blend
Holistic toothpaste alternative
Boost your oral hygiene routine: brush with the blend on its own, mix it with coconut oil to make a paste, or add it on top of your normal toothpaste.
Here’s a link to a video that shows the different ways to use the HealThy Mouth Blend.
BrushEco toothbrush
Bamboo Bass-style toothbrush
This simple-yet-effective toothbrush has key features to facilitate the Bass Brushing Technique. And it’s eco-friendly too!
Tongue Cleaner
Stainless steel design
The curved cleaning edge removes bacteria and soft plaque in seconds! Cleaning your tongue is comfortable, quick and effective with this quality tongue cleaner.
Here’s a video tutorial that details how to clean your tongue (and why it’s important).
How To Use Your Products:
Here are some articles and video tutorials that explain how to use your new oral health goodies:
How To Use The HealThy Mouth Blend
How To Brush Your Teeth To Reduce Gum Disease
How To Brush Your Teeth To Stop Tooth Decay
How To Clean Your Tongue (And Why It’s Important)
And if you’d like to learn more about our blend, feel free to check out our article,
“What’s In The HealThy Mouth Blend? (And why is it so effective?)“
Congrats again, and welcome to OraWellness!
PS: Do you have questions? We’ve got your back.
Feel free to contact us. We’re here to help. 🙂